Monthly Archives: February 2015

The Many Meanings of Alksgskdgjals;hjg

By Ashley Feinberg

You’ve seen it in a chat window. You’ve probably kldjhsljfalshj-ed a few times yourself. In context, it always makes since, but how can you properly explain the text-scream phenomenon of lakgjiosdgjitheiow? What does i;slahkdsgkuhdsj really mean?

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Taco Bell’s latest: Deep-fried Cap’n Crunch stuffed with frosting

By Anthony Domanico Got a morning sweet teeth and a resistance to cavities? Taco Bell is testing stuffed doughnut holes made of sweet Cap’n Crunch Crunch Berries cereal.

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PayPal Canceled Mega’s Account Because of Encryption (But Really Piracy)

By Adam Clark Estes

Mega is one of the only cloud storage services that offers end-to-end encryption, a great feature for people who value security. However, after political pressure from MPAA-affiliated goons, PayPal…

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PayPal Canceled Mega’s Account Because of Encryption (But Really Piracy)

By Adam Clark Estes

Mega is one of the only cloud storage services that offers end-to-end encryption, a great feature for people who value security. However, after political pressure from MPAA-affiliated goons, PayPal…

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VLC returns to iOS, now spans desktop, Android and Windows Phone

By Aloysius Low The “plays everything” media player is back on the Apple App Store, and this latest release adds new features such as better support for Ultra HD content.

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