Daily Archives: 18.05.2015

Anthony Bourdain’s Opening a Food Market Inspired by Blade Runner

By Matt Novak on Paleofuture, shared by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan to Gizmodo

Would you eat at a market inspired by the 1982 dystopian classic Blade Runner? Anthony Bourdain is hoping you will. He’s currently negotiating to open a market in the renovated 100,000 square foot SuperPier in New York. The floor plan is said to evoke “the set decor of Blade Runner and the vibrant back alleys of Tokyo.”

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Source:: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/daA1dir5H00/anthony-bourdains-opening-a-food-market-inspired-by-bla-1705211807


A Few Choice Excerpts From Tim Cook’s Commencement Speech

By Darren Orf

Apple’s CEOs are fascinating: Where Steve Jobs cultivated a shrewd genius persona, Tim Cook’s journey to Apple’s upper echelon is equally inspiring. In his George Washington commencement speech this weekend, Cook shared some details about that journey—and threw in an iPhone joke or two.

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Source:: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/bwOhzo6bVHg/a-few-choice-excerpts-from-tim-cooks-commencement-speec-1705219981


British Spy HQ Goes Rainbow to Celebrate Diversity

By Gary Cutlack – Gizmodo UK

The famous ringed doughnut of secrecy that houses the UK’s GCHQ spy overlords has gone all rainbow colored for a short while, as the agency wired up a few interestingly coloured bulbs to highlight the fact that yesterday was the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

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Source:: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/1piDlXWrGg8/british-spy-hq-goes-rainbow-to-celebrate-diversity-1705182359


Why Lead Is Bad For Humans

By Karl Smallwood – TodayIFoundOut.com

Given that humans have been using lead in various product for over 8,000 years (with the first known mining of it in Anatolia around 6500 BCE), you might be surprised to learn that we have known that lead is dangerous and shouldn’t be trifled with since at least 150 BC, when its effects on the human body were noted by famed Greek physician Nicander of Colophon. Nicander even went so far as to describe the metal as “deadly”, writing extensively on the crippling effects it has on the human body in his work, Alexipharmaca.

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Source:: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/4emgVNShl6c/why-lead-is-bad-for-humans-1705175839