Author Archives: admin

Samsung has a moment, topping Apple in phone activations

By Don Reisinger The third quarter was dandy for Samsung in the US, but researcher CIRP says the iPhone 6 should propel Apple back into the lead in the final three months of 2014.

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Samsung has a moment, topping Apple in phone activations

By Don Reisinger The third quarter was dandy for Samsung in the US, but researcher CIRP says the iPhone 6 should propel Apple back into the lead in the final three months of 2014.

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Five ways Samsung can overhaul its ailing smartphone business

By Shara Tibken Profits tumbled a stunning 74 percent in Samsung’s mobile business in the third quarter, and tough times may continue. Here’s what Samsung can do to turn things around.

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Five ways Samsung can overhaul its ailing smartphone business

By Shara Tibken Profits tumbled a stunning 74 percent in Samsung’s mobile business in the third quarter, and tough times may continue. Here’s what Samsung can do to turn things around.

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Invention lets newborns in incubators feel mom’s heartbeat

By Anthony Domanico Intel “Make it Wearable” finalist Team Babybe created a wearable that lets preemies or other babies in incubators feel their parents’ heartbeat while separated.

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‘Wasting time on the Internet’ is a real Ivy League college class

By Amanda Kooser Finally, all those hours spent noodling around on social media can be harnessed into real college credit at a prestigious institution.

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Terror on Twitter! Horror author R.L. Stine tweets a Halloween story

By Bonnie Burton R.L. Stine, the “Stephen King of children’s literature,” composes an impromptu horror story online to the delight of his fans. And it was all about a sandwich.
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