Author Archives: admin

A Tower Grown From Fungus Is Coming to NYC This Summer

By Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan

A Tower Grown From Fungus Is Coming to NYC This Summer

Buildings “grown” from fungus and other organic materials may seem like a far-off concept to some. But this summer, a group of young Brooklyn architects are planning to demonstrate just how real the technology is—by building a tower out of bricks “grown” from mycelium, a root-like fungus, in the courtyard of MoMA P.S.1.

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1990: Pop Music Will Just Be Musical Orgies By 2010

By Matt Novak on Paleofuture, shared by Eric Limer to Gizmodo

1990: Pop Music Will Just Be Musical Orgies By 2010

Back in 1985 Tipper Gore testified in front of a Senate committee warning that children were being exposed to all kinds of naughty stuff in modern music. Sex, heresy and violence were destroying good old-fashioned American values. Won’t somebody think of the children!

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The Incredible Urban Salt Mines Hiding Underneath Our Feet

By Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan

The Incredible Urban Salt Mines Hiding Underneath Our Feet

Road salt is one of those city services that we take for granted, an invisible network infrastructure with a murky provenance. But though you may not know it, the salt on your roads might come a sprawling, century-old mine right below your feet.

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