It’s already a pretty great time to be a …
Author Archives: admin
A Tower Grown From Fungus Is Coming to NYC This Summer
Buildings “grown” from fungus and other organic materials may seem like a far-off concept to some. But this summer, a group of young Brooklyn architects are planning to demonstrate just how real the technology is—by building a tower out of bricks “grown” from mycelium, a root-like fungus, in the courtyard of MoMA P.S.1.
Every Bus and Amtrak Route Across the US, Mapped
If you’re in the unenviable position of having to traverse the country by bus or train, you better make sure this map is on your phone.
1990: Pop Music Will Just Be Musical Orgies By 2010
By Matt Novak on Paleofuture, shared by Eric Limer to Gizmodo
Back in 1985 Tipper Gore testified in front of a Senate committee warning that children were being exposed to all kinds of naughty stuff in modern music. Sex, heresy and violence were destroying good old-fashioned American values. Won’t somebody think of the children!
This Incredible Star Wars-Style Bionic Hand Let an Amputee Feel Again
By Eric Limer
We geeks all have the same platonic prosthesis ideal: Luke Skywalker’s badass Star Wars mech-hand. We’re getting there, …
The Incredible Urban Salt Mines Hiding Underneath Our Feet
Road salt is one of those city services that we take for granted, an invisible network infrastructure with a murky provenance. But though you may not know it, the salt on your roads might come a sprawling, century-old mine right below your feet.
Gooey Electrolyte Could Put an End to Battery Fires
Battery fires are no fun. …
This Awesome Oculus Rift Rig Is Virtual Laser Tag—with Zombies
EU Pleased With Google’s Search Changes, May Settle Without Fines
By Tiffany Kaiser Competitors will weigh in on the matter first
The FDA Has Finally Approved This Swallowable PillCam After Nine Years
Straight out of a 70s sci-fi film, PillCam has …