Microsoft’s latest Windows 8.1 update has hit the web early ahead of its March release, letting those happy to take a punt on an unofficial, torrented version of the update check out what’s in store for the divisive operating system.
Microsoft’s latest Windows 8.1 update has hit the web early ahead of its March release, letting those happy to take a punt on an unofficial, torrented version of the update check out what’s in store for the divisive operating system.
Time is a slippery continuum. Watching the hands on a clock tick will feel way, way different depending on the situation; trying to frantically write something on deadline with five minutes to spare ain’t the same as desperately willing a conference call to finish more quickly. It turns out that music can have an equally brain-bending effect on how we process the days of our lives.
If you decided to save a few bucks and opt for an iPad without cellular hardware, it also means you bought yourself a tablet without GPS. Wi-Fi hotspot locations help it guesstimate your locations, but if you want better results, you’ll have to spring $130 for …
By Eric Limer
You can make all kinds of guesses about why Google sold Motorola. Did it only want the patents all along? Is it making nice with Samsung? But a more pressing question has been weighing on our minds: “So uh… what about the Moto X?”
By Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo
Sure the constant bzz bzz buzz of a drone would get annoying. And of course the invasion of privacy thing is a little bit of a concern. But man, it sure looks fun to see all your life’s exploits get recorded from the angle of the all seeing eye of the drone. Just watch this video captured with a Cinedrone by Antimedia. Life never looked so fun.
Just in time for Super Bowl madness, Verizon …
By Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo
It’s pretty hard to make Batman jealous. The dude has enough money for an entire world, gadgets to play with everyday, a secret cave to hang out in, dashing good looks and beautiful companions to take out to dinner. But here’s one thing you can have that’s better than Batman’s: …
By Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo
Except in extreme cases, I don’t think plastic surgery is a good idea for any human being. But when someone is attractive to begin with—like this South Korean reporter—I just can’t comprehend the reasons. Look at the before and after shots.