Author Archives: admin

Guam Could Get a Missile Shield to Deter North Korean Attacks

By Andrew Tarantola

Guam Could Get a Missile Shield to Deter North Korean Attacks

Guam’s strategic location just 1,500 miles South of Japan’s shores make the tiny island a very valuable piece of real estate for the US military and a very enticing target for Pyongyang’s missile program. To make sure that Kim Jong Un doesn’t get any funny ideas, Congress wants to arm Guam with our version of the Iron Dome.

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Why the Statue of Liberty’s Arm Lived In a NYC Park For Six Years

By Leslie Horn

Why the Statue of Liberty's Arm Lived In a NYC Park For Six Years

It took a very long time for the Statue of Liberty to find a home on Liberty Island. In fact, for several years, her creators showed off pieces of her body in NYC and Philadelphia in an effort to drum up funds to finance the statue’s completion. The picture above is from New York City’s Madison Square Park, where her …

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Originally built as a supersonic strategic bomber for delivering nuclear strikes on Moscow, the B-1B

By Andrew Tarantola

Originally built as a supersonic strategic bomber for delivering nuclear strikes on Moscow, the B-1B Lancer has played a variety of roles for the Air Force in its nearly 30 years of service. And thanks to a newly upgraded cockpit—including four multi-function color displays and a modernized Fully Integrated Data Link (FIDL)—the B-One “Bones” of the 7th Bomb Wing are expected to remain in service into the 2030’s. […

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