Author Archives: admin

Ecstasy in London? Heroin in Zagreb? The Answer Is Found In The Sewers

By Brian Bienkowski – Environmental Health News

Ecstasy in London? Heroin in Zagreb? The Answer Is Found In The Sewers

Drug users might be less than forthright about their illicit habits—but they all have to pee. With that in mind, scientists are drug-testing entire sewer systems to study just how popular illegal drugs have become.

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A Guitar Amp That’s Going to Piss Analog Purists Off

By Mario Aguilar

A Guitar Amp That's Going to Piss Analog Purists Off

Line 6, the well-regarded guitar gear manufacturer that just sold to Yamaha, has a new guitar amp that’s going to give tube traditionalists—like me!—a migraine. Bluetooth?! iOS app? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. OK, but let’s not be luddites for the hell of it. What’s …

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Shocking Photos from the Water Sports Site of the Rio Olympics

By Attila Nagy

Shocking Photos from the Water Sports Site of the Rio Olympics

Getty Images has published a fresh set of photos from the heavily polluted Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro—which is the site chosen for water sports at the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics. The photos are frankly shocking, as the iconic bay will be the site of sailing events during the summer Olympic Games.

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How Google Glass Will Save Car Enthusiasts From Extinction

By Robert Sorokanich

How Google Glass Will Save Car Enthusiasts From Extinction

“Computers are killing the automotive hobby!” Car geeks say this with defeatist disdain; tech nerds utter it with futurist superiority. Thing is, they’re both wrong. Virtual reality and wearable tech could very well save hobbyist mechanics from becoming the 21st century’s horseshoe installers. Here’s how.

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Selling Shame: 20 Outrageously Offensive Vintage Ads

By Lisa Hix – Collector’s Weekly

Selling Shame: 20 Outrageously Offensive Vintage Ads

One vintage ad warns women, “Don’t let them call you SKINNY!” while another promises that smoking cigarettes will keep one slender. If the task of morphing their bodies into the current desirable shape isn’t enough of a burden, women are also reminded that they stink.

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The Navy’s Newest “Pickup Truck of the Sea” Just Launched

By Andrew Tarantola

The USNS Fall River, the fourth vessel in the US Navy’s new Spearhead-class of high-speed, shallow-draft transport catamarans launched for the first time over the weekend. This multi-function catamaran will transport up cargo and up to a battalion of troops between ports.

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