Author Archives: admin
Google’s Removing Chrome Extensions Because They’re Serving Spam Ads
Google’s so removed two Chrome browser extensions over the weekend, because the software appears to serve spam ads—in turn violating company’s terms of service.
Tour the Hidden Art Gallery on the High Line’s Last Unfinished Stretch
By Nick Stango
It’s easy to forget that beyond the tourist- and greenery-covered High Line, there are still 300 yards of old, rusting train track. This last patch of decaying railway will soon be turned into the final stretch of the super-successful park—but for now, they’re home to a little-known…
What’s The One Thing You Keep Searching For But Can’t Find Online?
On a road trip about four years ago, I heard this great song on the radio. It was unique, catchy, and it stuck in my head. Ever since, despite Googling the lyrics, humming the melody to SoundHound, and poring over Youtube, I still can’t identify it. It’s my internet white whale. What’s yours?
This meticulously crafted 777-replica is made of manila folders
By Robert T. Gonzalez on io9, shared by Robert Sorokanich to Gizmodo
This is genuinely incredible. …
Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/o6MLLzceqn4/@robertsorokanich
How to Install Parental Controls on All of Your Gadgets
Let’s face it, the internet is a wicked cesspool of filth and debauchery filled with weirdos, pervs, and foul-mouthed trolls. You can ensure that your kids remain untainted by these corrupting influences while they surf the web simply by activating the integrated Parental Controls of every major OS and gaming system. Here’s how.
Bird steals camera hidden in an egg and films entire penguin colony
27 Amazing Images From the Depths of Scientific Labs
By Attila Nagy
As an image-driven person, I often find myself deeply lost and buried in the vast online libraries of universities and research centers. Scientists just love to show off all the big and shiny machinery they work on.
Reuters: Obama to Stop NSA Spying on Phone Records Without Legal Reason
We already knew that Obama was …
This upside down house is actually right side up
By Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo
Your eyes aren’t deceiving you, this house was actually built upside down. The roof is on the floor, the Mini Cooper is parked in the sky and every fixture in the house is flipped around. But when the house is upside down it’s actually right side up, if that makes any sense, because the interior is flipped too.
Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/OeYrtKuMVKc/@caseychan