Author Archives: admin

Federal Court Strikes Down Net Neutrality Rules, Sides with Big Telecom

By Adam Clark Estes

Federal Court Strikes Down Net Neutrality Rules, Sides with Big Telecom

A U.S. Appeals Court just invalidated the FCC’s net neutrality rules that would’ve made it illegal for telecom companies to favor certain types of traffic over others. This basically opens the door for companies like Verizon and Time Warner to cut special deals with websites to serve up their content faster.

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This Device Helps Parents Spy on Kids While They’re Driving

By Adam Clark Estes

This Device Helps Parents Spy on Kids While They're Driving

Remember when you were a teenager, and mom told you not to speed? And remember all the fun you had trying to break 100 on that straightaway down by the river? Well, the next generation of young rebels might not be so lucky.

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What Happens When Water Freezes in a Box So Strong It Can’t Expand?

By Karl Smallwood –

What Happens When Water Freezes in a Box So Strong It Can't Expand?

Some readers may recall a science class in which an excitable teacher walked to the front of the class to show off a small, cracked steel container, seemingly damaged by an incredibly powerful, but tiny force; only for said teacher to reveal that the damage had been done by nothing more than water. However, what would happen if you put the water in a container it couldn’t break out of and then froze it?

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A genius guy invented the perfect machine to make a single cookie

By Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

A genius guy invented the perfect machine to make a single cookie

Here’s the thing about chocolate chip cookies: they’re delicious. Here’s another thing: unless you’re a professional baker maestro who bakes a batch everyday and tweaks their cookie recipe after every time to adjust the flavor, it’s going to be hard to come up with the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe. It’s a numbers game, you just don’t bake enough to figure out exactly what works. Not anymore. Not with this machine. This is perfection.

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