Author Archives: admin

Sometimes the Only Explanation For Your Computer Fault Is Witchcraft

By Jamie Condliffe

Sometimes the Only Explanation For Your Computer Fault Is Witchcraft

Despite being so user-friendly on the whole, computers are incredibly complex systems. So complex that sometimes—just sometimes—the only explanation for a fault is that it must be haunted or something. Just blame the ghost in the machine. […

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Cannibal Buildings! Why MoMA Is Eating Its Next Door Neighbor

By Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan

Cannibal Buildings! Why MoMA Is Eating Its Next Door Neighbor

This week, MoMA confirmed its plans to raze its neighbor, a folk art museum, creating a continuous connection to the luxury supertall going up next door. It seems that, unlike earlier versions of the museum as a cultural type—an institution designed to serve as vessels of Enlightenment culture for the working class—the modern museum is more like a vessel of real estate.

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These Doomsday Planes Protect Heads of State When Disaster Strikes

By Andrew Tarantola

These Doomsday Planes Protect Heads of State When Disaster Strikes

In the event of a nuclear strike on American soil, we’re going to be in a little bit of trouble. But at least we’ll die safe in the knowledge that the valiant leaders of our nation—or any yahoos lucky enough to be in office at the time—will be escaping the nuclear holocaust in a fleet of environmentally-impervious airborne command centers.

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Every party needs to have this fun pool that lets you walk on water

By Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

Every party needs to have this fun pool that lets you walk on water

Here’s a trick you can do for your next house party: fill the pool with non-Newtonian fluid and have people run across it, dance all over it, ride their bikes over it and so forth. Like, come on dude, you’re walking on water, how can you not have fun?

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