Haunted houses have gone …
Author Archives: admin
Bloomberg Businessweek’s Obamacare Cover Is Perfect
In case you haven’t noticed, it’s …
According to AP, Edward Snowden has secured a “technical support” job with a “major” Russian website
The Scariest Part of the Latest NSA Revelation Is This Goofy Post-It
According to new documents leaked by PRISM whistleblower Edward Snowden, …
Don’t Worry About This Kayak Flipping: It Transforms Into a Submarine
The long sleek body of a kayak makes it highly efficient at slicing through the water, but for unexperienced paddlers it also makes it easier to flip than a canoe. And that can be a terrifying experience, unless you’re on the water in …
An Up Close Look at the East Coast Google Mystery Barge
The Google mystery barges docked near San Francisco and Portland, Maine are getting even more mysterious. We’ve …
Gawker Ohio Teacher Goes On Racist Facebook Halloween Rant | io9 Let’s just debunk every flu-vaccine
An Ultra-Modern Airport In Shenzhen Makes Flying Feel Futuristic
All airports are absolutely, positively not created equal. Case in point: the brand new Terminal 3 at Shenzhen’s Bao’an International hub, which will be inaugurated next month after five years in the making. This place is a certifiable beaut that befits the awesome act of flying that we take for granted all the dang time.
This Mobile Maritime Launch Pad Puts Satellites in Orbit for Less
When it comes to orbital launch positioning, the Earth has something of a sweet spot: its equator. Like a gigantic planetary baseball bat, rockets jump off the Earth’s center-line with ease and enter geostationary orbits using a fraction of the energy required anywhere else on the planet. But the problem is that there isn’t a whole lot of usable land along the equator—so one enterprising consortium has developed a means of launching rockets from the middle of the ocean.
Russian Authorities Seize Goods from China Implanted with “Spy” Chips
A weird thing happened in St. Petersburg last week. The Russian press reports that local officials …