It’s joked that duct tape can be used to fix almost anything. But a new product called …
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Amazon’s Kindle MatchBook Service Is Now Live
In this modern age of tablets and e-readers, it’s always a little bit tough to decide whether to buy the hardcopy of a book or just go for the e-book. Now, you don’t have to choose with …
EA and Tiger Woods Part ways, EA Sports Offers First Look at Next Gen Golf Game
By Shane McGlaun No more Tiger Woods games coming from EA Sports
The Chemistry of Fear and Why We Like It So Much
By Casey Chan
It’s the season of fear! Horror movies, haunted houses, spooky costumes, we find anything and use everything to scare ourselves senseless. But why? What is the science behind fear? What the hell is fear? Bytesize Science explains how fear is our anticipation of something bad happening and how it works in our brain. Spooky! […
How Many Electric Car Charging Stations Are Actually Out There?
Hybrid and electric cars have gone pretty mainstream. But it’s hard to get a sense of whether the charging …
A Detailed Description of Why Human Skin Is Amazing
The Color Blue Has Conquered the Internet
Shades of Gray. Orange Is The New Black. The Scarlet Letter. Colors are clearly important in marketing. We know. And you have also probably noticed that a lot of companies use …
An Indestructible Marker Keeps You Vandalizing Through the Apocalypse
Just because the world as we know it has come to an end doesn’t mean that people won’t want to read an amusing limerick written on a bathroom stall. And for just …
A Camper Van Toaster: Because Even Hippies Love Toast
There are two approaches when it comes to stocking a kitchen: You can find yourself the best multi-purpose tools, appliances, and other accessories that might cost a little more, but promise to keep your drawers and counters free of clutter. Or, you can embrace every single cheap novelty gadget and knick-knack that are primarily designed to be fun or cute. Can you guess which category this …
18 Bizarre Letters to the Future That Only ’70s Kids Will Understand
By Matt Novak on Paleofuture, shared by Brian Barrett to Gizmodo
Will the year 2000 be filled with flying cars or polluted air? Push-button lunches or the start of World War III? These were just some of the predictions made by fourth grade kids in 1976, who had trouble deciding if the future was going to be filled with high-tech gadgets or nuclear war. Or maybe both.