By Tiffany Kaiser The study concluded it might be due to hormones
Author Archives: admin
Watch Apple Flaunt the Skinny New iPad Air
President Obama Addresses Healthcare Website Issues, Calls them “Unacceptable”
By Tiffany Kaiser He’ll do so at an event today at 11:25 a.m.
Report: The New iPad Mini Will Be Retina After All
By Eric Limer
With Apple’s big iPad event a day away, it’s the last second to get in any predictions, and the Wall Street Journal has a good one. According to their sources, …
Surface 2 Review: One Step Forward, Two Steps Behind
By Eric Limer
The Surface RT was Microsoft’s brassy if ultimately flawed to drop a cannonball in the placid, iPad and Kindle-dominated tablet pool. It didn’t quite work out. With the Surface 2, Microsoft is taking the opportunity to say “No guys, but really,” with a blistering, scary sort of confidence.
Bizarre Regional Laws In the U.S. Are Even Weirder Than You Thought
Every now and then there’s a writeup of some weird U.S. laws, and it’s always interesting to see what random stuff merited legislation at one time or another. But this infographic, put out by the online attorney directory …
Watch the Watchers With This DIY Police Radio Scanner
By Harrison Sand – Instructables
The frequencies employed by law enforcement and first responders can be a source of vital information in emergency situations but you can’t tune in using any old radio. But rather than spend big bucks on a conventional police scanner, you can easily create your own for less than $20 with this (pretty technical!) guide from Instructables member Harrison Sand.
Our Favorite iOS, Android, and Windows Phone Apps of the Week
Now that the slow, languid summer months are far behind us, we’re finally starting to see some major advancement in the app world. Whether it’s a brand new payment system from the ubiquitous Square or something beautiful simply for beauty’s sake, there’s a whole lot of goodness just up ahead. And it starts right here.
Why Dark Rides Scare the Pants Off Us
By Lisa Hix – Collectors Weekly
Most roller coasters put their stomach-dropping slopes and brain-twisting loops front and center for all the world to see. But the amusement-park attractions known as “dark rides” keep their thrills hidden.
A Blanket With a Built-in Dining Table Will Revolutionize Picnics
The romanticized image of a picnic in a beautiful park on a sunny afternoon never seems to come to fruition once you actually have to deal with the logistics of dining on an uneven blanket. But all hope’s not lost; a creation awkwardly called the Tablanket—a compact folding table with a blanket built-in—could potentially save your romantic outing.