Be careful what you put in your mouth: a public health alert has been issued by the US Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) surrounding a massive salmonella outbreak. It comes on the back of the recent FDA closure because of the Government shutdown.
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All the Ways Hollywood Tried to Ruin Gravity
By Meredith Woerner on io9, shared by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan to Gizmodo
Gravity took nearly four (and a half) years to make. That means for four years, Alfonso Cuarón had to deflect a lot of not-so-great ideas from the studio that had invested millions into his risky endeavor. Thanks to our exclusive interview with the director, we now know what some of those crappy ideas were.
Giant CT Scanners Reveal All the Gory Details of a Mangled Car Wreck
CT, or computed tomography, scans are to x-rays what 3D movies are to classic 2D flicks. But instead of being just some gimmick to lure patrons into a theater, CT scans result in 3D models that let doctors study internal medical conditions in amazing detail. But why stop there? Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute have now built a monstrous CT scanner that can scan entire cars and even shipping containers.
The Sound of Gravity: Total Realism
Gravity is a stunner of a movie in large measure because of what it doesn’t do—it’s restrained and elegant in the way that most big space epics aren’t. Here’s a great behind-the-scenes look at how the film makes the vacuum of space sound terrifying—even at times when sound is impossible.
Thom Yorke: Spotify Is “the Last Desperate Fart of a Dying Corpse”
Thom Yorke has already made his feelings on music streaming services known: he doesn’t like them. But now he’s spoken at length about Spotify and the current state of music distribution and he’s… well, angry.
Why You Can’t Blame Bitcoin for Silk Road Shadiness
The man alleged to be “Dread Pirate Roberts,” the founder and operator of the Silk Road—an online marketplace where bitcoins were traded for a range of goods and services, including drugs—was arrested by the FBI in San Francisco Wednesday. The criminal complaint, released today, provides many details about how the site and its users relied on widespread anonymity technology, including Tor and Bitcoin.
The Lake that Turns Animals to Stone, iPhone 5S Sensor Snafu, and More
By Eric Limer
You’ve had a busy week, so why not just sit back, kick up your feet and take in our best posts of the week? Dive in!
What Happens When Cities Fall Apart?
Military strategist David Kilcullen was in New York City earlier this week to talk about the future of urban warfare at the World Policy Institute here in Manhattan. Gizmodo tagged along to learn more about “future conflicts and future cities,” as Kilcullen describes it, and to see what really happens when urban environments fail—when cities fall apart or disintegrate into ungovernable canyons of semi-derelict buildings ruled by cartels, terrorist groups, and paramilitary gangs.
Tour the Art Train That Traveled from New York to Oakland
Last week a train twinkling with LED lights chugged into Oakland’s 16th Street Station, its final destination on a 3,000 mile, ten-city whistle stop art happening orchestrated by Doug Aitken called Station to Station.
NASA’s MAVEN Mission Spared Cancellation Despite Government Shutdown
This is a rare moment of sanity and clarity from the powers-that-be. Despite the current government shutdown, NASA’s MAVEN mission—slated for a November launch—has been allowed to go ahead.