Author Archives: admin

Why playing Fallout 4 shook up this newish dad

By Anthony Domanico CNET’s Anthony Domanico is a big fan of the Fallout video game series, but with the newly released Fallout 4, he noticed he’s playing a bit differently this time around.

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How a startup’s tiny dots could lead to better smartphone photos

By Stephen Shankland With tech called quantum dots, InVisage promises to surpass the limits of today’s image sensors and vastly improve digital photos and videos. The first devices with its technology should arrive in early 2016.

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How a startup’s tiny dots could lead to better smartphone photos

By Stephen Shankland With tech called quantum dots, InVisage promises to surpass the limits of today’s image sensors and vastly improve digital photos and videos. The first devices with its technology should arrive in early 2016.

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How a startup’s tiny dots could lead to better smartphone photos

By Stephen Shankland With tech called quantum dots, InVisage promises to surpass the limits of today’s image sensors and vastly improve digital photos and videos. The first devices with its technology should arrive in early 2016.

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Custom circuit board printer takes out 2015 James Dyson Award

By Claire Reilly A team of Canadian engineers has taken out one of the world’s top design prizes with a 3D printer that prints out customised circuit boards with the press of a button.

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