Daily Archives: 07.10.2013

All the Ways Hollywood Tried to Ruin Gravity

By Meredith Woerner on io9, shared by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan to Gizmodo

All the Ways Hollywood Tried to Ruin Gravity

Gravity took nearly four (and a half) years to make. That means for four years, Alfonso Cuarón had to deflect a lot of not-so-great ideas from the studio that had invested millions into his risky endeavor. Thanks to our exclusive interview with the director, we now know what some of those crappy ideas were.

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Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/0qF03g6PJZU/@kcampbelldollaghan


Giant CT Scanners Reveal All the Gory Details of a Mangled Car Wreck

By Andrew Liszewski

Giant CT Scanners Reveal All the Gory Details of a Mangled Car Wreck

CT, or computed tomography, scans are to x-rays what 3D movies are to classic 2D flicks. But instead of being just some gimmick to lure patrons into a theater, CT scans result in 3D models that let doctors study internal medical conditions in amazing detail. But why stop there? Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute have now built a monstrous CT scanner that can scan entire cars and even shipping containers.

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Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/LuogNLM3yjw/giant-ct-scanners-reveal-all-the-gory-details-of-a-mang-1441962551


The Sound of Gravity: Total Realism

By Mario Aguilar

Gravity is a stunner of a movie in large measure because of what it doesn’t do—it’s restrained and elegant in the way that most big space epics aren’t. Here’s a great behind-the-scenes look at how the film makes the vacuum of space sound terrifying—even at times when sound is impossible.

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Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/8DI69OScfQ0/the-sound-of-gravity-total-realism-1441954725


Thom Yorke: Spotify Is “the Last Desperate Fart of a Dying Corpse”

By Jamie Condliffe

Thom Yorke: Spotify Is "the Last Desperate Fart of a Dying Corpse"

Thom Yorke has already made his feelings on music streaming services known: he doesn’t like them. But now he’s spoken at length about Spotify and the current state of music distribution and he’s… well, angry.

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Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/utnucR2jACs/thom-yorke-spotify-is-the-last-desperate-fart-of-a-dy-1441918691