Daily Archives: 08.10.2013

This Air Travel Map From 1929 Is Absolutely Stunning

By Matt Novak on Paleofuture, shared by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan to Gizmodo

This Air Travel Map From 1929 Is Absolutely Stunning

The 1920s was a thrilling decade for aviation. Daredevils were just beginning to hop across the Atlantic, and at least one airline was even experimenting with in-flight entertainment. But if you wanted to tour the United States by air it was a pretty involved process. And this beautiful map from 1929 showed you how it was done.

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Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/S9VQ9ffja2U/@kcampbelldollaghan


A Sleek Ping Pong Table You Won’t Want To Hide in the Basement

By Andrew Liszewski

A Sleek Ping Pong Table You Won't Want To Hide in the Basement

Billiard tables have become bonafide works of art that some people furnish entire rooms around—but ping pong tables are only just catching up. But the hideous green folding contraptions of yesteryear are quickly being replaced with sleek pieces like this gorgeous Bola Service Table designed by Barcelona-based studio A.P.O.

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Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/vz2LEYpT_qw/a-sleek-ping-pong-table-you-wont-want-to-hide-in-the-b-1442120950


There’s a Massive US Salmonella Outbreak Amid the FDA Shutdown

By Jamie Condliffe

Be careful what you put in your mouth: a public health alert has been issued by the US Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) surrounding a massive salmonella outbreak. It comes on the back of the recent FDA closure because of the Government shutdown.

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Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/W-S8d6bTq9k/theres-a-massive-us-salmonella-outbreak-amid-the-fda-s-1442381465