Daily Archives: 11.10.2013

Make Way For the Olympics: The Paramilitary Clearance of Rio’s Slums

By Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan

Make Way For the Olympics: The Paramilitary Clearance of Rio's Slums

They come bearing satellite TV. Brazil’s Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais, or BOPE, is an elite force of military police who often specialize in urban operations in Rio’s slums—or favelas. As the World Cup and the Olympics approach, BOPE forces are appearing more and more often. And their techniques are evolving.

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Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/g-VzlmoKlQ8/make-way-for-the-olympics-the-paramilitary-clearance-o-1443885960


Rockstar Games: Play “Grand Theft Auto Online” this Month, Get $500,000 in GTA$

By Tiffany Kaiser The stimulus package is Rockstar Games’ apology for all the troubles during the first days of GTA Online

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Source: http://dailytech.feedsportal.com/c/34650/f/635057/s/32583d9d/sc/27/l/0L0Sdailytech0N0CRockstar0KGames0KPlay0KGrand0KTheft0KAuto0KOnline0Kthis0KMonth0KGet0K50A0A0A0A0A0Kin0KGTA0Carticle33540A0Bhtm/story01.htm