Now that the slow, languid summer months are far behind us, we’re finally starting to see some major advancement in the app world. Whether it’s a brand new payment system from the ubiquitous Square or something beautiful simply for beauty’s sake, there’s a whole lot of goodness just up ahead. And it starts right here.
Daily Archives: 18.10.2013
Why Dark Rides Scare the Pants Off Us
By Lisa Hix – Collectors Weekly
Most roller coasters put their stomach-dropping slopes and brain-twisting loops front and center for all the world to see. But the amusement-park attractions known as “dark rides” keep their thrills hidden.
A Blanket With a Built-in Dining Table Will Revolutionize Picnics
The romanticized image of a picnic in a beautiful park on a sunny afternoon never seems to come to fruition once you actually have to deal with the logistics of dining on an uneven blanket. But all hope’s not lost; a creation awkwardly called the Tablanket—a compact folding table with a blanket built-in—could potentially save your romantic outing.
What Happens When You Drop a Red Hot Nickel Ball Onto Aerogel
By Casey Chan
Red hot nickel ball of fire meet your toughest opponent yet: aerogel. In fact, aerogel is such an amazing material and excellent insulator that the eternal flame of the nickel ball does absolutely nothing to it. Like, seriously. It affects the aerogel as much as the normal air around it (or in it too?). But hey. We’re in the business of seeing destruction and in order to destroy aerogel, the nickel ball brought in reinforcements in the form of an hydrogen and oxygen flame. Everything burns eventually. [Cars and Water]