Daily Archives: 24.10.2013

A Camper Van Toaster: Because Even Hippies Love Toast

By Andrew Liszewski

A Camper Van Toaster: Because Even Hippies Love Toast

There are two approaches when it comes to stocking a kitchen: You can find yourself the best multi-purpose tools, appliances, and other accessories that might cost a little more, but promise to keep your drawers and counters free of clutter. Or, you can embrace every single cheap novelty gadget and knick-knack that are primarily designed to be fun or cute. Can you guess which category this …

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Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/ua8XUcX_55s/a-camper-van-toaster-because-even-hippies-love-toast-1451537530


18 Bizarre Letters to the Future That Only ’70s Kids Will Understand

By Matt Novak on Paleofuture, shared by Brian Barrett to Gizmodo

18 Bizarre Letters to the Future That Only '70s Kids Will Understand

Will the year 2000 be filled with flying cars or polluted air? Push-button lunches or the start of World War III? These were just some of the predictions made by fourth grade kids in 1976, who had trouble deciding if the future was going to be filled with high-tech gadgets or nuclear war. Or maybe both.

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Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/nVQPlFGX940/@barrett