Monthly Archives: October 2013

This Mobile Maritime Launch Pad Puts Satellites in Orbit for Less

By Andrew Tarantola

This Mobile Maritime Launch Pad Puts Satellites in Orbit for Less

When it comes to orbital launch positioning, the Earth has something of a sweet spot: its equator. Like a gigantic planetary baseball bat, rockets jump off the Earth’s center-line with ease and enter geostationary orbits using a fraction of the energy required anywhere else on the planet. But the problem is that there isn’t a whole lot of usable land along the equator—so one enterprising consortium has developed a means of launching rockets from the middle of the ocean.

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The Chemistry of Fear and Why We Like It So Much

By Casey Chan

It’s the season of fear! Horror movies, haunted houses, spooky costumes, we find anything and use everything to scare ourselves senseless. But why? What is the science behind fear? What the hell is fear? Bytesize Science explains how fear is our anticipation of something bad happening and how it works in our brain. Spooky! […

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