Monthly Archives: October 2013

A Blanket With a Built-in Dining Table Will Revolutionize Picnics

By Andrew Liszewski

A Blanket With a Built-in Dining Table Will Revolutionize Picnics

The romanticized image of a picnic in a beautiful park on a sunny afternoon never seems to come to fruition once you actually have to deal with the logistics of dining on an uneven blanket. But all hope’s not lost; a creation awkwardly called the Tablanket—a compact folding table with a blanket built-in—could potentially save your romantic outing.

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What Happens When You Drop a Red Hot Nickel Ball Onto Aerogel

By Casey Chan

Red hot nickel ball of fire meet your toughest opponent yet: aerogel. In fact, aerogel is such an amazing material and excellent insulator that the eternal flame of the nickel ball does absolutely nothing to it. Like, seriously. It affects the aerogel as much as the normal air around it (or in it too?). But hey. We’re in the business of seeing destruction and in order to destroy aerogel, the nickel ball brought in reinforcements in the form of an hydrogen and oxygen flame. Everything burns eventually. [Cars and Water]

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Where to Sell Your iPad or iPad Mini For the Most Money

By Leslie Horn

Where to Sell Your iPad or iPad Mini For the Most Money

Next Tuesday Apple is hosting its annual iPad-palooza where it will surely show us iPads big and small. But before the big event, you might want to get rid of your old ‘pad to recoup some cash. So where to sell your tablet for the most moolah?

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The NSA’s Elite Hacker Squad Is Suffering in the Post-Snowden Era

By Adam Clark Estes

The NSA's Elite Hacker Squad Is Suffering in the Post-Snowden Era

Over the past couple of decades, the NSA has gone to crazy lengths to tap into computer networks of friends and enemies, alike. Backdoors, shell companies, repurposed hacktivists—they’ve tried it all, and to great success. That is, until Edward Snowden blew the lid off it all.

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Removing My Children From the Internet

By Ryan McLaughlin

Removing My Children From the Internet

About a week ago I began deleting all photos and videos of my children from the Internet. This is proving to be no easy task. Like many parents, I’ve excitedly shared virtually every step, misstep and milestone that myself and my children have muddled our way through.

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Introducing MAP: An Unbreakable, Private, Portable Navigation System

By Jamie Condliffe

Google Maps? Pfff. Nokia HERE? Get outta here. There’s an alternative to all those navigation systems you use: it’s made from 100 percent sustainable material, it’s easy to share, it’ll never break, you can fit it in your pocket, and it’s completely private.

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Twitter Now Lets Any Follower Send You Direct Messages

By Jamie Condliffe

Twitter Now Lets Any Follower Send You Direct Messages

Twitter is changing the way direct messages work. In the past, Twitter required two people to follow each other for direct messages to be exchanged in either direction; now, users have the option to change settings so that any of their followers can send them a direct message, without having to follow them back.

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Report: Advertisers Could Track You Via a Smartphone’s Accelerometer

By Jamie Condliffe

Report: Advertisers Could Track You Via a Smartphone's Accelerometer

Careful how you handle your phone: researchers have been testing out new surveillance techniques, and they think that you could easily be tracked around the web using your phone’s accelerometer.

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Is This Nokia’s Lumia 2520 Tablet?

By Jamie Condliffe

Is This Nokia's Lumia 2520 Tablet?

Nokia’s will-they-won’t-they relationship with the tablet form factor looks to finally be coming to an end, with the Finnish company getting a big old “THEY WILL” badge, if news of the Nokia Lumia 2520 tablet is to be believed.

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