Monthly Archives: January 2014

This Amazing Image Algorithm Learns to Spot Objects Without Human Help

By Jamie Condliffe

This Amazing Image Algorithm Learns to Spot Objects Without Human Help

It’s only a matter of time before things go the way of Skynet, and this new algorithm is a stepping stone along the way: it can learn to identify objects all by itself, with zero human help. Gulp.

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The untouched natural beauty of New Zealand is like a magical world

By Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

I’m one of those horrible humans who take nature for granted and recharge myself through indoor fluorescent lighting. I like walking city streets, I like going into city bars and I like eating city food. Feeling tires screech, hearing sirens wail, coming across unexplainable damp spots, that’s all what I’m used to. But then I get a little taste of nature (through a Vimeo video on a computer indoors, no less) and wonder if I’m missing out on a whole magical part of the world. I probably am. You might be too.

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Tin Foil Hats Just Got a Major Hardware (and Fashion) Upgrade

By Ashley Feinberg

Tin Foil Hats Just Got a Major Hardware (and Fashion) Upgrade

They’ve been a mainstay of the hyper-paranoid for decades—at least when it comes to comic depictions. But now, the classic, beloved tin foil hat has left the world of hyperbole to become an actual, honest-to-god mind-reading-deflection machine. And it looks fancy, to boot.

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Federal Court Strikes Down Net Neutrality Rules, Sides with Big Telecom

By Adam Clark Estes

Federal Court Strikes Down Net Neutrality Rules, Sides with Big Telecom

A U.S. Appeals Court just invalidated the FCC’s net neutrality rules that would’ve made it illegal for telecom companies to favor certain types of traffic over others. This basically opens the door for companies like Verizon and Time Warner to cut special deals with websites to serve up their content faster.

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This Device Helps Parents Spy on Kids While They’re Driving

By Adam Clark Estes

This Device Helps Parents Spy on Kids While They're Driving

Remember when you were a teenager, and mom told you not to speed? And remember all the fun you had trying to break 100 on that straightaway down by the river? Well, the next generation of young rebels might not be so lucky.

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