Monthly Archives: February 2014

No GPS Signal? No Problem: This Little Chip Knows Where You Are

By Robert Sorokanich

No GPS Signal? No Problem: This Little Chip Knows Where You Are

GPS is a godsend when it works. Problem is, there are plenty of places it doesn’t work—tall skyscrapers, concrete overpasses, and other huge structures all block the satellite signal you need to navigate. Luckily, …

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This image showing every second of Jurassic Park looks like dino skin

By Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

This image showing every second of Jurassic Park looks like dino skin

To be fair, if you put together every second of any movie in one image, that image would almost always look like the skin and scales of dinosaurs but I swear my mind is making me believe it even more for Jurassic Park. It also kind of looks like a Magic Eye picture and I half expect T-Rex to pop out and chase after me.

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These Century-Old Selfies Make Instagram Look Like a Joke

By Ashley Feinberg

These Century-Old Selfies Make Instagram Look Like a Joke

Mayfair, Kelvin, Earlybird—it really won’t make a difference. Because when it comes to these absolutely wonderful selfies taken as early 1909, all of our carefully selected Instagram filters will never begin to compare.

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A Tower Grown From Fungus Is Coming to NYC This Summer

By Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan

A Tower Grown From Fungus Is Coming to NYC This Summer

Buildings “grown” from fungus and other organic materials may seem like a far-off concept to some. But this summer, a group of young Brooklyn architects are planning to demonstrate just how real the technology is—by building a tower out of bricks “grown” from mycelium, a root-like fungus, in the courtyard of MoMA P.S.1.

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1990: Pop Music Will Just Be Musical Orgies By 2010

By Matt Novak on Paleofuture, shared by Eric Limer to Gizmodo

1990: Pop Music Will Just Be Musical Orgies By 2010

Back in 1985 Tipper Gore testified in front of a Senate committee warning that children were being exposed to all kinds of naughty stuff in modern music. Sex, heresy and violence were destroying good old-fashioned American values. Won’t somebody think of the children!

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