Monthly Archives: February 2014

The Incredible Urban Salt Mines Hiding Underneath Our Feet

By Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan

The Incredible Urban Salt Mines Hiding Underneath Our Feet

Road salt is one of those city services that we take for granted, an invisible network infrastructure with a murky provenance. But though you may not know it, the salt on your roads might come a sprawling, century-old mine right below your feet.

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From Tablets to TVs: What’s Next For Display Tech in 2014

By Dr. Raymond M. Soneira – Displaymate Technologies

From Tablets to TVs: What's Next For Display Tech in 2014

Starting in 2010 when Apple made the retina display and display quality a central theme for their product marketing, displays have moved up from the doldrums into an unprecedented renaissance of new display technologies for smartphones, tablets, TVs, and entirely new classes of products like wearable displays.

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