Daily Archives: 29.09.2014

Simpsons World Preview: Nearly 300 Hours of Springfield in Your Pocket

By Alissa Walker

Simpsons World Preview: Nearly 300 Hours of Springfield in Your Pocket

As the longest-running sitcom on TV, The Simpsons has accumulated a trove of digital content that’s record-setting in almost every way: a staggering 552 episodes from 25 seasons. This October, FXX will launch an app that lets fans (with a cable package) stream every episode, on any device—plus give them unprecedented power to browse shows, search for quotes, share clips, and curate playlists.

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Source:: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/OEGgHZxLPC8/simpsons-world-preview-nearly-300-hours-of-springfield-1639727131


5 More Dead Malls That Found Surprising Second Lives

By Sarah Zhang

5 More Dead Malls That Found Surprising Second Lives

When malls die—as so many have these days—they too often end up as sad, empty lots befitting only for ruin porn and zombie movies. But a handful of malls have been repurposed for unusual inhabitants, from Christian car dealerships to, yes, even zombies.

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Source:: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/vyWlWENVb4A/5-more-dead-malls-that-found-surprising-second-lives-1639303126


5 More Dead Malls That Found Surprising Second Lives

By Sarah Zhang

5 More Dead Malls That Found Surprising Second Lives

When malls die—as so many have these days—they too often end up as sad, empty lots befitting only for ruin porn and zombie movies. But a handful of malls have been repurposed for unusual inhabitants, from Christian car dealerships to, yes, even zombies.

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Source:: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/vyWlWENVb4A/5-more-dead-malls-that-found-surprising-second-lives-1639303126


Device allows completely paralysed rats to walk again

By Michelle Starr By electrically stimulating the severed part of the spinal cord, scientists are able to precisely control in real-time the limbs of a paralysed rat — and human trials are on the way.

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Source:: http://cnet.com.feedsportal.com/c/34938/f/645093/s/3eeb45d6/sc/32/l/0L0Scnet0N0Cnews0Cdevice0Eallows0Ecompletely0Eparalysed0Erats0Eto0Ewalk0Eagain0C0Tftag0FCAD590Aa51e/story01.htm