Monthly Archives: September 2014

3D Printing Just Wireframe Models Can Vastly Speed Up Prototyping

By Andrew Liszewski

When 3D printing technologies were first adopted for manufacturing decades ago, they were referred to as rapid prototyping machines because compared to old methods, they were able to churn out parts with remarkable speed. But even today’s 3D printing technology has room for improvement, and a

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The Design of Spoons and Knives Can Change the Way We Taste Food

By Cynthia Graber and Nicola Twilley, Gastropod

The Design of Spoons and Knives Can Change the Way We Taste Food

Chances are, you’ve spent more time thinking about the specs on your smartphone than about the gadgets that you use to put food in your mouth. But the shape and material properties of forks, spoons, and knives turn out to matter—a lot. Changes in the design of cutlery have not only affected how and what we eat, but also what our food tastes like. There’s even evidence that the adoption of the table knife transformed the shape of European faces.

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