Monthly Archives: September 2014

Be Prepared for the Next Big One With This DIY Earthquake Detector

By Alissa Walker

Be Prepared for the Next Big One With This DIY Earthquake Detector

A large-scale early warning system for California earthquakes should be rolling out soon—at least, as soon as the government funding kicks in. Until then, one of the scientists working on the prototype decided to turn his seismic knowledge into an at-home science project, designing this DIY earthquake alarm for about $110.

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Placemat Plates That Suction to Tables Are Every Parent’s Dream

By Andrew Liszewski

Placemat Plates That Suction to Tables Are Every Parent's Dream

The day a parent hands over the spoon to a toddler learning to feed themselves is the same day that meal cleanup becomes infinitely more involved. Overturned bowls and spills are inevitable, but possibly less frequent if this silicone placemat with a built-in segmented bowl succeeds in its …

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Here Is a 3D-Printed Earthquake

By Sarah Zhang

Here Is a 3D-Printed Earthquake

When Doug McCune was shaken awake by the Napa earthquake last month, he did what any reasonable person would do in the middle of the night: He downloaded a whole bunch of earthquake data. A few more days of tinkering, and he had created this 3D-printed visualization of the quake.

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Here’s Some Great 4K Space Porn to Test Your Expensive Display

By Jamie Condliffe

Like space timelapses? Spend a lot of money on monitors and TVs? Then today is your lucky day, because this time-lapse, shot by astronaut Alexander Gerst, will let you enjoy both at once. (It also looks perfectly lovely on a normal display, too.)

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This Compact Portable Charger Revives Your Phone With Four AA Batteries

By Andrew Liszewski

This Compact Portable Charger Revives Your Phone With Four AA Batteries

A portable charger can bring your dead smartphone back to life if you forget to plug it in overnight, but what if you forget to charge the charger too? That’s not an issue with the tiny …

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