Monthly Archives: September 2014

Canadian Startup Wants to Replace Passwords With Your Heartbeat

By Chris Mills

Canadian Startup Wants to Replace Passwords With Your Heartbeat

Passwords are almost undisputedly broke: seemingly every month, a different major online service gets hacked, along with all your credit card details (and a few celeb’s personal photos). A Canadian startup thinks it has the solution: using your heartbeat as the authentication method.

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Apple’s Touch ID still vulnerable to hack, security researcher finds

By Seth Rosenblatt The Touch ID fingerprint reader on the iPhone 6 can be fooled by the same trick that unlocks the iPhone 5S — but it didn’t have to be that way, says security expert.
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Smushing Three Robots Together Could Save Your Life

By Andrew Tarantola

Smushing Three Robots Together Could Save Your Life

It would appear that we’ve finally reached the phase of UAV development where researchers get tired of coming up with new ideas and say, “You know what? Lets just smash a few of the ones we’ve already got together and see what happens.” The result is, well, this ungainly mechanization but it’s one that could save your hide in a natural disaster.

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The 404 Show 1,556: ‘Gotham’ review, solves everything (podcast)

By Jeff Bakalar Today we check out the pilot episode of “Gotham,” get to the bottom of a recent titillating Internet hoax and talk about tech we wish we had in college.

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