For every Kickstarted product that succeeds and makes it into the hands of consumers, there are hundreds that don’t. The …
Daily Archives: 21.10.2014
Ask Mythbusters’ Adam Savage Anything You Want
Being a genuine, card-carrying mythbuster is just about the best job anyone can hope for. And since most of us probably haven’t managed to become one, we’ve got the next best thing—living vicariously through one. We’re lucky enough to have Adam Savage from Mythbusters here to answer all your burning questions.
Monica Lewinsky Speaks Out, Calls Herself “Patient-Zero” for Internet Cyberbullying
By Jason Mick Ms. Lewinsky accuses unsympathetic internet legions of leaving her “publically humiliated” …read more
Monica Lewinsky Speaks Out, Calls Herself “Patient-Zero” for Internet Cyberbullying
By Jason Mick Ms. Lewinsky accuses unsympathetic internet legions of leaving her “publically humiliated” …read more
iPhone’s wins and iPad’s woes, in Apple CEO Tim Cook’s own words
By Shara Tibken The head of Apple explains during a call with analysts why the company’s smartphone is doing well but its tablet isn’t.
Man repels bear by wielding old computer
By Michael Franco Apparently bears in Russia aren’t too fond of outdated technology, which is fortunate for a man who met one while salvaging metal from a scrap heap.
…read more
Simpsons World Is Live: Every Simpsons Ever, Across All Your Devices
It’s here! The highly anticipated …
Now You Can Book a Hipmunk Room Through Yelp
Researching a vacation but are too busy to click through a hotel’s Yelp reviews to see if it actually has rooms available? Fear not because starting today, you’ll be able to book hotels through Hipmunk without ever navigating away from Yelp.
This Electronic Stonehenge Once Divined the Secrets of Soviet Radio
In the early days of electronic espionage, the US intelligence community didn’t have the benefit of all-seeing spy satellites—it had to intercept and interpret high-frequency radio waves transmitted by the Soviet Union. To do so, the Americans relied on a network of mysterious structures whose real purpose was kept highly classified throughout the Cold War.
IBM Pays GLOBALFOUNDRIES $1.5B USD to Take Fab Business Off Its Hands
By Jason Mick GLOBALFOUNDRIES gets license to additional IP in exchange for 10-year commitment to providing IBM Power architecture chips …read more