His doctor drove him over the border. It was quicker that way: if the man donated in Switzerland, his blood would be delayed while paperwork was filled out and authorisations sought.
His doctor drove him over the border. It was quicker that way: if the man donated in Switzerland, his blood would be delayed while paperwork was filled out and authorisations sought.
It may not look much, but these are the first images of Comet C/2013 A1, known as …
By Cho Mu-hyun LG Electronics is set to launch a new mid-range phone that is, for the first time, powered by the company’s long-rumoured, self-made application processor.
By Michelle Starr One of the world’s finest creators of comic book horror has teamed up with The Pokémon Company for a special “scary” collaboration.
By Michelle Starr One of the world’s finest creators of comic book horror has teamed up with The Pokémon Company for a special “scary” collaboration.
By Kirk Hamilton on Kotaku, shared by Sean Hollister to Gizmodo
If you’re using a controller to play a PC game—I know, I know, shhh, it’s okay—chances are the on-screen prompts you see will match up with an Xbox controller. But you don’t have to use Microsoft’s controller with your PC; you’ve actually got a lot of options, including the PS4’s DualShock 4.
Source:: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/k2CIwsHki0c/+seanhollister
By Leslie Katz The White House will co-host a November workshop exploring the use of robots to help minimize human contact with the fast-spreading virus.