By Ben Fox Rubin The difference is a T-Mobile iPad purchased at an Apple store will remain open.
Daily Archives: 24.10.2014
The 404 Show 1,570: Superhero movie overkill? Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs (podcast)
By Jeff Bakalar We’re finishing up the week with the question: is Hollywood’s superhero factory comic book overkill? Plus we’ll talk about Christian Bale’s confirmed role as Steve Jobs in a new biopic, Uber flu shot delivery and confirmation that Google Glass people still freak us out.
Awww: An entire subreddit filled with baby-elephant GIFs
By Anthony Domanico It’s Friday, which means we’ve all made it through another long week. Celebrate in the best way possible by checking out this subreddit dedicated to GIFs of baby elephants.
AT&T Defeats Purpose of New Apple SIM, Locks iPad Air 2 Users to Its Network
By Brandon Hill This is why we can’t have nice things! …read more
AT&T Defeats Purpose of New Apple SIM, Locks iPad Air 2 Users to Its Network
By Brandon Hill This is why we can’t have nice things! …read more
AT&T Defeats Purpose of New Apple SIM, Locks iPad Air 2 Users to Its Network
By Brandon Hill This is why we can’t have nice things! …read more
AT&T Defeats Purpose of New Apple SIM, Locks iPad Air 2 Users to Its Network
By Brandon Hill This is why we can’t have nice things! …read more
ATLAS Is Getting Faster and Faster At Simple Human Tasks
Oh sure, we all pointed and …
My First Kindle: I Finally Stopped Multitasking and Got Lost in a Novel
By Meg Neal
Still don’t have an e-reader? I can respect that. Physical books just feel better. Print is sacred. I’m with you—or at least I was, until our reviews editor thrust a Kindle in my hand and made me use it.
Report: Samsung Galaxy S5 to Receive Android 5.0 Lollipop in December
By Brandon Hill Samsung also readying Lollipop update for Galaxy Note 4 …read more