Daily Archives: 24.10.2014

iMessage spam deluge traced to knock-offs in China

By Seth Rosenblatt Text message spam is best ignored, but when a security researcher followed a trail of deception laid out on Apple’s iMessage he became the proud owner of cheap designer accessories from China.

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Source:: http://cnet.com.feedsportal.com/c/34938/f/645093/s/3fc94aed/sc/4/l/0L0Scnet0N0Cnews0Cimessage0Espam0Edeluge0Etraced0Eto0Eknock0Eoffs0Ein0Echina0C0Tftag0FCAD590Aa51e/story01.htm


This Is What Neurons Look Like When They Communicate With Each Other

By Jamie Condliffe

Ping! Zip! Pew! Electrical impulses speed along the neurons of the brain at high speed—and now, scientists from Harvard have genetically engineered those very cells to produce light as they do so, in order to visualize how they work.

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Source:: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/bgvNFVZXKLk/this-is-what-neurons-look-like-when-they-communicate-wi-1650209387


This Is What Neurons Look Like When They Communicate With Each Other

By Jamie Condliffe

Ping! Zip! Pew! Electrical impulses speed along the neurons of the brain at high speed—and now, scientists from Harvard have genetically engineered those very cells to produce light as they do so, in order to visualize how they work.

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Source:: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/bgvNFVZXKLk/this-is-what-neurons-look-like-when-they-communicate-wi-1650209387


Glasses Made From Recycled Vinyl Records: Cool, Or Hipster?

By Chris Mills

Glasses Made From Recycled Vinyl Records: Cool, Or Hipster?

Vinyl records and unneccessary, overly-large eyeglasses: probably just below coffee shops and typewriters when playing the Hipster Word Association Game. If you’ve ever wanted to combine those two staples, look no further: Vinylize is a company that upcycles old LPs into eyeglasses for the PBR-drinking masses.

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Source:: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/fEWLjerQt5A/glasses-made-from-recycled-vinyl-records-cool-or-hips-1650163444


Watch the heaviest firework ever explode into a 2,624-foot ball of fire

By Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Jesus Diaz to Gizmodo

Watch the heaviest firework ever explode into a 2,624-foot ball of fire

You are looking at the biggest firework ever fired, weighing a total of 1,014 pounds (460 kilograms)—a new world record. According to NHK, it exploded over the city of Konosu—in the island of Honshu, Japan—into a breathtaking rosette about 2,624 feet (800 meters) in diameter.

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Source:: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/XrN9CDDOyY4/+jesusdiaz


LG G3 Screen powered by in-house ‘NUCLUN’ AP launches in Korea

By Cho Mu-hyun LG Electronics has launched its new G3 Screen phablet, powered by its long-awaited, self-designed “NUCLUN” application processor in South Korea.

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Source:: http://cnet.com.feedsportal.com/c/34938/f/645093/s/3fc6162f/sc/5/l/0L0Scnet0N0Cnews0Clg0Eg30Escreen0Epowered0Eby0Ein0Ehouse0Enuclun0Eap0Elaunches0Ein0Ekorea0C0Tftag0FCAD590Aa51e/story01.htm