Daily Archives: 24.10.2014

Tomorrow Daily 074: VR moon tours, an ‘Avengers 2’ trailer analysis, and a real-life Transformer

By Ashley Esqueda On today’s show, we discuss virtual reality tours of the moon using Oculus Rift, all the crazy things we spotted in the “Avengers 2: Age of Ultron” trailer, and a real-life Transformer that changes from humanoid to car (just like Optimus Prime).

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Source:: http://cnet.com.feedsportal.com/c/34938/f/645093/s/3fc5778d/sc/10/l/0L0Scnet0N0Cnews0Ctomorrow0Edaily0E0A740Evr0Emoon0Etours0Ean0Eavengers0E20Etrailer0Eanalysis0Ereal0Elife0Etransformer0C0Tftag0FCAD590Aa51e/story01.htm