No one knows quite what to call the Prelude, the …
Daily Archives: 01.11.2014
5 Ways to Roll Sushi Without a Mat (and Barely Have to Touch Raw Fish)
The act of rolling sushi is far more art than science. And for many newbie sushi chefs it can be an infuriatingly difficult skill to even learn, much less master. But with these helpful sushi-assembling assistants, you’ll be …
This levitating pumpkin is the best Jack O’ Lantern
By Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo
Okay, this pumpkin isn’t carved but still, it’s freaking floating in the air! Therefore under the rule known as things that can float in the air can be called whatever they want, I name this levitating pumpkin the best and spookiest and awesomest and nerdiest Jack O’ Lantern of Halloween.
Oingo Boingo: Dead Man’s Party
It’s October 31st. You’re stranded on a ~haunted~ desert island. The evil powers that be have stipulated that you must listen—and sing along!—to one Halloweenie song for the entire 24 hours, and then a helicopter full of pizza and beer and candy will come rescue you. What tune do you choose??