By Rick Broida This bridge camera gives you many of the features and controls of a dSLR, but for a much lower price.
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Daily Archives: 07.11.2014
Shooting Challenge: Dark Photography
By Mark Wilson
It’s daylight savings time. And you know what that means. The world goes dark for the foreseeable future. Let’s make the best of it, and for this week’s …
How Do People Estimate Crowd Sizes?
By Karl Smallwood –
Although the task of determining how many people attend something as large as say, a political rally or a protest may seem like a daunting, almost impossible undertaking to do with any accuracy, with some basic information, it’s actually not that difficult to get reasonably accurate results.
How Do People Estimate Crowd Sizes?
By Karl Smallwood –
Although the task of determining how many people attend something as large as say, a political rally or a protest may seem like a daunting, almost impossible undertaking to do with any accuracy, with some basic information, it’s actually not that difficult to get reasonably accurate results.
How Do People Estimate Crowd Sizes?
By Karl Smallwood –
Although the task of determining how many people attend something as large as say, a political rally or a protest may seem like a daunting, almost impossible undertaking to do with any accuracy, with some basic information, it’s actually not that difficult to get reasonably accurate results.
Whatsapp Read Receipts Now Work How They Always Should’ve
Chances are when you use Whatsapp you probably think one tick means “sent” and another means “read.” Nope! But now the app …
First Microsoft Lumia phone will be revealed next week
By Rich Trenholm Microsoft has teased a Lumia-related announcement for 11 November.
Jailbreaking Is Not a Crime—and We Should Keep It That Way
If you own a phone or a tablet, you should be able to run whatever software you want on it. It seems like a simple truth, but there are a surprising number of hurdles in the way.
Jailbreaking Is Not a Crime—and We Should Keep It That Way
If you own a phone or a tablet, you should be able to run whatever software you want on it. It seems like a simple truth, but there are a surprising number of hurdles in the way.
Taylor Swift Explains Why She’s Ditched Spotify
Earlier this week, something awful happened: it became the case that you …