By Richard Nieva Privacy watchdogs in Europe say the controversial ruling, which affects only local European versions of Google’s search engine, should be applied more broadly.
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Daily Archives: 26.11.2014
EU wants ‘right to be forgotten’ applied globally
By Richard Nieva Privacy watchdogs in Europe say the controversial ruling, which affects only local European versions of Google’s search engine, should be applied more broadly.
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9 Holiday Travel Horror Stories That Will Make Your Trip Seem Perfect
Holiday travel sucks, and most people think that it sucks most around Thanksgiving. …
Passengers in Siberia Had to Push a Plane Down the Tarmac to Take Off
By Leslie Horn
Think you have travel woes this Thanksgiving? At least you don’t have to push your own plane down a frozen tarmac in negative 61 degree temps like these …
Revamped Firefox to play up new search options
By Stephen Shankland Mozilla’s open-source browser now makes your search-engine choices more prominent. That could speed up specialty searches with sites such as eBay or Wikipedia.
A Rowing Machine Slingshot Is the First Time Rowing Has Been Scary
A Rowing Machine Slingshot Is the First Time Rowing Has Been Scary
Adults Who Live in Treehouses Aren’t as Weird as You Might Think
Before I was born, my mom lived in a treehouse in the Smoky Mountains and had a pet goat with one ear. His name was Van Goat. This was the late 70s, and even then, it was a unique lifestyle. But my how treehouse culture has evolved.
Sony’s A7 Mark II Camera Will Be Available Next Month For $1700
By Michael Hession on Reframe, shared by Brian Barrett to Gizmodo
Last week Sony Japan hit us with a surprise announcement of the …
This supercomputer simulation of magnetic field loops on the sun reveal in unprecedented detail how
This supercomputer simulation of magnetic field loops on the sun reveal in unprecedented detail how solar winds for and swirl. The colors represent magnetic field strength from weak (blue) to strong (red). […