Monthly Archives: November 2014

Video: 60 Seconds of painful breaking bones from movie fight scenes

By Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

Video: 60 Seconds of painful breaking bones from movie fight scenes

Oh man. I almost couldn’t get through this video because the non stop crunch of bones breaking in these fight scenes got to me. Even though I know full well that movies aren’t real and that all these broken bones are just visual tricks and sound effects, I still cringed. A lot.

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Video: 60 Seconds of painful breaking bones from movie fight scenes

By Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

Video: 60 Seconds of painful breaking bones from movie fight scenes

Oh man. I almost couldn’t get through this video because the non stop crunch of bones breaking in these fight scenes got to me. Even though I know full well that movies aren’t real and that all these broken bones are just visual tricks and sound effects, I still cringed. A lot.

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The Dumbest Things You Can Order From SkyMall

By Kate Knibbs

The Dumbest Things You Can Order From SkyMall

Thanksgiving is the busiest time of year for U.S. air travel, which means it’s the busiest time of year for people who forgot to put their Kindle charger in their carry-on to idly thumb through the best worst in-flight catalog of all time, SkyMall, while ignoring the emergency safety demonstration.

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Black Friday is a day of death and destruction in this parody trailer

By Anthony Domanico While Black Friday often turns ugly as shoppers fight over limited inventory of discounted goods, it could be a lot worse, if this horror film is any indication.
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