Monthly Archives: December 2014

The Most Popular Christmas Gifts of the Last Decade: Elmo, Apple, Elmo

By Leslie Horn

The Most Popular Christmas Gifts of the Last Decade: Elmo, Apple, Elmo

The most popular Christmas gifts over the past 10 years speak volumes about what people like. Which apparently is Elmo and iPods (but mostly Elmo). But if we look a little closely, it also says a whole lot about just how far tech has progressed. Let’s take a look.

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An intriguing retelling of the birth of Jesus set in the space age

By Jesus Diaz

An intriguing retelling of the birth of Jesus set in the space age

Here’s a strange Christmas film—weird, sad, and hopeful all at the same time. According to its creators, Anomaly is ‘a retelling of thetraditional Christmas Nativity which explores, through a modern-day lens, the events of two-thousand years ago, set against the space-race canvas of the 1960s.’

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Everyone Is Torrenting The Interview 

By Chris Mills

Everyone Is Torrenting The Interview

After much humming and hawing, Sony released The Interview to the internet yesterday, charging $6 for the privilege of seeing a CGI Kim Jong-Un go pop. And, because this is the internet, hundreds of thousands of people are repaying the favor by torrenting the crap out of it.

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Armored truck spills $4.5 million on road, everyone rushes to grab it

By Jesus Diaz

Armored truck spills $4.5 million on road, everyone rushes to grab it

Dozens of Hong Kong motorists and pedestrians rushed to grab loads of money after an armored truck’s doors opened by accident on a busy road, spilling about $4.5 million dollars in HK$500 notes (US$65) on Christmas Eve, …

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2014’s best, worst and most notable quotes

By Stephen Shankland Plenty of high-profile people suffered from foot-in-mouth disease this year. Here, CNET catalogs some of the silly, smart and interesting things said in the world of tech in 2014.

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I streamed ‘The Interview’ and now I need some eggnog

By Anthony Domanico It’s the film that got North Korea’s goat and turned Sony Pictures inside-out. Crave’s Anthony Domanico streams it to see if it’s worth the fuss.

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