By Jesus Diaz
Despite the 80s hard rock soundtrack—or maybe because of it—SpaceX’s new 3D animation showing their future Falcon Heavy in action, …
By Jesus Diaz
Despite the 80s hard rock soundtrack—or maybe because of it—SpaceX’s new 3D animation showing their future Falcon Heavy in action, …
By Shep McAllister, Commerce Team
If you’re planning on buying some smart home gear this year, chances are, you’ll be able to use the …
By Kate Knibbs
There’s probably something you do right now you wouldn’t really want everyone to know about. Maybe you’re letting a Fitbit gather dust while you eat Doritos and watch The Good Wife (understandable). Maybe you’re in the habit of driving around at 3 AM when you can’t sleep. Whatever you do, if you’re doing it while using …
By Amanda Kooser When asteroid 2004 BL86 passed near Earth on January 26, it wasn’t alone. A small moon came along for the ride.
…read more
By Amanda Kooser When asteroid 2004 BL86 passed near Earth on January 26, it wasn’t alone. A small moon came along for the ride.
…read more
In light of today’s not-so-historic New York snowstorm, many of us have been left pondering the true nature of the white menace. Luckily, there are photographers like …
By Tero Kojo
Dyami Caliri is a Qt Champion 2014 in the category of ‘Rookie of the year’. The title is given to someone who has made their first code contributions to Qt in the previous year.
In Dyami’s case his patches had caught the eyes of maintainers for their high quality in areas where new contributors aren’t usually seen.
As it turns out, Dyami isn’t a beginner in the Qt world, but works with a major professional application built with Qt (and he is very modest as you can read below).
His contributions back to Qt are a great example of how scratching your itch works.
Dyami, do you still remember how you got interested in Qt?
We have a small company and that makes stop motion software and hardware geared towards professionals. Our program, Dragonframe, was originally written in Java over the course of several years. We supported Mac and Windows. I felt like we were running into several issues with using Java, from performance and maintainability, to public perception and vendor support–that would be solved by using a C++ cross-platform framework. So I did a lot of research and toying around with different frameworks, and found Qt really satisfying. It had a lot of functionality, was well-documented, was actively developed and supported, and had a good developer community.
What are the biggest projects you’ve done with Qt?
Clearly Dragonframe. It is software for stop motion filmmaking, geared towards creative professionals and studios. You connect a supported DSLR to the computer, and Dragonframe shows you a live video image from the camera, can control exposure settings, and capture and download images. There are a lot of additional tools such as DMX512 lighting integration, motion control programming, and audio lip-synching. Our software is used by major studios to capture stop-motion films.
Aside from Dragonframe, we have a small network license server that I also rewrote in Qt.
(Sidenote: it really is worth visiting the Dragonframe homepage to see who is using Dragonframe and also take a look at how Dragonframe works, it’s a really great looking pro application.)
How did you get into contributing to Qt? Was it scratching your own itch or something else?
It was definitely to address some issues we were running into. But then I started looking through bug reports for anything that might affect our software. I also participated in the Qt Fix and Polish week and just tried to fix anything I could.
Is there something …read more
By Ian Sherr The social network follows through on its promises to refine and expand its capabilities, as the pressure to boost user growth continues.
By Ian Sherr The social network follows through on its promises to refine and expand its capabilities, as the pressure to boost user growth continues.