By Chris Matyszczyk Technically Incorrect: Bill Belichick says he’s not a scientist, but he offers a scientific reason why his team’s footballs weren’t at regulation pressure when Pats beat Colts to head to Super Bowl.
Monthly Archives: January 2015
Official Kadu IM blog: Injeqt 1.0.0
There is not much to say. I’m working with Injeqt (Qt dependency injection library) for some time now, preparing to release Kadu 2.0, and I’ve not encountered any problems at all. It is great to have only one feature and have full tests coverage for it. So here it is, 1.0.0 release!
I really enjoy using this small library, but I’ve also learned that I wish it have some more features:
I would like to use main Kadu injector in plugins code in a normal way. I would like to have a class with following header file and setters invoked by injector:
class ChatNotifier : public Notifier
private slots:
INJEQT_SETTER void setChatWidgetRepository(
ChatWidgetRepository *chatWidgetRepository);
INJEQT_SETTER void setFormattedStringFactory(
FormattedStringFactory *formattedStringFactory);
auto plugin_injector = injeqt::injector(
plugin_modules, main_injector);
auto notifier = plugin_injector.get();
Currently it is not possible – list of classes supported by injector is immutable and set on injector creation. And class ChatNotifier need to be added later, as it is in dynamically loaded plugin. So this code must be used:
class ChatNotifier : public Notifier
void setChatWidgetRepository(
ChatWidgetRepository *chatWidgetRepository);
void setFormattedStringFactory(
FormattedStringFactory *formattedStringFactory);
auto notifier = new ChatNotifier{this};
Subinjectors will solve this problem. Injectors will be able to have a parent injector and known all of its objects so it will be able to use them in an easy way.
As this is the feature that I miss most, it will be included in Injeqt 1.1 that will be released just before Kadu 3.0 (hopefully in about 3 or 4 months).
Injeqt should have an option to recognize matching signals and slots in objects that it creates and connect them automatically. I’m not 100% about the semantics of it (should it create objects just to connect to them even if application does not use them yet or should it wait for application to ask for an object to create it and connect). This is much more complicated to implement than subinjectors, so it is postponed to some next release. …read more
Walmart’s Chromecast Knockoff: Vudu-Only, Somehow Not Just a Bad Dream
There’s too much year left to name Vudu Spark the worst gadget of 2015. But it will without question go down as the most cynical.
These Nearly-Invisible Sea Creatures Fill the Oceans with Beauty
By Attila Nagy
The tiny bits of life that fill our oceans are as beautiful as the illuminated gasses that fill our universe. Here is an incredible gallery of microscopic creatures whose crystalline bodies look like stars.
Watch seniors play Grand Theft Auto V for the first time
By Bonnie Burton “Oh man! Destruction Derby!” Seniors have fun stealing and wrecking cars, shooting random people and running from the police as they play Grand Theft Auto V in this Fine Brothers video.
Warner Bros Planning New Animated Jetsons Movie
Hungarian bacon fat noodles with raw sugar will quickly kill your heart
By Jesus Diaz
I spent the last few days in Hungary, where I had good food and discovered a new Kinja that I will watch every day even if I don’t speak a word of Hungarian: …
Why Google Is Strong-Arming Artists Into Signing With YouTube Music Key
Cello rock n’ roller …
Why Google Is Strong-Arming Artists Into Signing With YouTube Music Key
Cello rock n’ roller …
Crave Ep. 189: ‘Star Wars’ supercut shows every GUI in the 1977 film
By Stephen Beacham Relive the futuristic technology of “Star Wars” all over again with an edit of all the graphical user interfaces used in the original film contained within one video.