In 2014, President Obama travelled a bewildering over 188,000 miles—at least according to the …
Monthly Archives: January 2015
‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ adds ‘Game of Thrones’ star, casts Jean Grey, Cyclops and Storm
By Rich Trenholm Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan and Alexandra Shipp take over as younger versions of the mutant superheroes.
This Greenland Glacier Flows Like Water Around Rock
Found in the northwest corner of Greenland, the Leidy Glacier faces a barrier as it meets the Olriks Fjord that it feeds into: rock. This image shows how, even for a giant, hulking slab of ice and rock, the path of least resistance is often the most favorable.
Twitter Now Uses Bing To Translate Weird Foreign Tweets
By Chris Mills
If you’ve always looked longingly over the Fence of Babel at all those foreigners making jokes that you know would be funny, if only you could understand them, then fear not: Twitter has harnessed the power of the internet’s second-best translation tool into its service.
The World’s First Entirely Plant-Based Milk Carton Is Now on Shelves
This month, anyone in Finland who buy a lactose-free skimmed milk drink called Eila at the supermarket will buying the world’s first carton made entirely out of plant-based plastics—right down to the cap.
Microsoft looks for love, but will there be a happy ending?
By Chris Matyszczyk Technically Incorrect: CEO Satya Nadella now says Microsoft’s aspiration is for Windows to be loved. Here’s the underlying reality of Microsoft’s relationship with the world. In, well, romantic terms.
Where Have All the Google Play Edition Devices Gone?
By Darren Orf
This week, Google polished off the last remaining Google Play edition smartphone in its online store, The HTC One (M8). The device has been scrubbed from the “devices” main page, but you can pull up the smartphone …
Where Have All the Google Play Edition Devices Gone?
By Darren Orf
This week, Google polished off the last remaining Google Play edition smartphone in its online store, The HTC One (M8). The device has been scrubbed from the “devices” main page, but you can pull up the smartphone …
Another Study Finds E-Cigs May Contain Formaldehyde
Science is back with more sobering news about vaping. A letter published in the New England Journal of Medicine claims that vapor produced by electronic cigarettes …
Kim Dotcom’s Mega launches Skype competitor MegaChat
By Don Reisinger Despite ongoing controversy surrounding his tech inventions, Dotcom releases a beta-stage Web tool that provides users with end-to-end encrypted video and audio communication.
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