By Chris Matyszczyk Technically Incorrect: Real or fake, the video of an older gentleman trying to blow dry his computer into action has enthralled millions.
Monthly Archives: January 2015
Grandad tries to fix frozen computer with hairdryer
By Chris Matyszczyk Technically Incorrect: Real or fake, the video of an older gentleman trying to blow dry his computer into action has enthralled millions.
Samsung Could Make More Windows Phones in 2015
By Darren Orf
The last time Samsung made a Windows Phone it was the Windows 8 Samsung ATIV SE, a Verizon Wireless exclusive back in the spring of last year. Samsung hasn’t even bothered with an out-of-the-box 8.1 device since. But the smartphone maker is interested in making more Windows Phone handsets. Only that pesky Android royalties legal battles stands in its way.
Men Who Post Selfies Online Show Signs of Psychopathy, Says Study
Pining for your iPhone can numb the brain, study says
By Chris Matyszczyk Technically Incorrect: Researchers from the University of Missouri say that iPhone separation anxiety can cause you to perform poorly on cognitive tests.
How to Keep Your Dog Safe and Warm This Winter
You wouldn’t venture nearly naked into the frozen wastes of your neighborhood during the dead of winter just to use the outhouse, so why do you expect your dog to? This winter hasn’t been nearly as intense as last year’s snowpacalypse, but it’s still a dangerous time of year for pets. Here are the tips and tech you’ll need to keep your little buddy unfrozen until the thaw comes.
Report: Apple Pay May Launch Internationally By March
By Chris Mills
Since November, the rest of the world has been forced look on with mild annoyance and jealousy as Americans have paid for stuff with fingerprints (and a $600 phone). But according to a report from …
Watch A Crazy Parkour Runner Evade Zombies
SpaceX Rocket Makes Crash Landing On A Drone Barge
Fascinating break down explains why Taylor Swift songs are so catchy
By Casey Chan
If you existed in the year 2014, you have probably either cringed or sang along or cringed while singing along to Taylor Swift’s oppressively catchy song Shake It Off. Just why the hell is it so catchy ? Well, for one it’s pop. But also as …