Monthly Archives: January 2015

Clever video creates a human black hole that can suck up all the light

By Casey Chan

Clever video creates a human black hole that can suck up all the light

This woman totally seems like she has harnessed the power of a black hole and can suck up all the light and everything around her. But it’s just a nice little camera trick showing swinging burning steel wool in reverse. The light flies to her as she twists and turn but in reality, it’s just being flung away. Still nice though!

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Uber trims prices in 48 cities to drum up more rides

By Lance Whitney The car-hailing company cuts fares to help boost winter ridership. It also promises drivers’ wages won’t take a hit so long as they follow rules that make it hard for them to drive for the competition.

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Qt Quick Control’s TableView and C++ model using roles

Qt Quick Controls made big move forward in latest Qt releases. For example, in Qt 5.4 it takes native look on Android platform using styling option

Since it becomes more and more useful, its just waste of time to do not use it!

But its always there is some buts.

This time my stumbling-stone was TableView plus C++ data model











I’m not going to speechify a lot. Basically, standard scheme works, but my goal was to use roles as columns.In theory it was OK but every time I’ve met absence of data in my table. The only indicator that table works was increasing row counter

The problem was that roleNames() method of QAbstractItemModel class was not called. And the reason is that the method must be protected! For some reason this method in the Qt documentation as well as in tons of examples defined as public, and this is works in most cases but not for TableView!