Monthly Archives: January 2015

June 30 Will Be One Second Longer This Year, and That Could Be a Problem

By Sarah Zhang

June 30 Will Be One Second Longer This Year, and That Could Be a Problem

Because Earth’s rotation is slowing ever so slightly, we occasionally need to add an extra second to re-sync our super-precise atomic clocks to our planet’s rotation. But you know who’s not on board with that? Those damn computers, whose operating systems just can’t handle it. The last time we added a leap second in 2012, it …

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June 30 Will Be One Second Longer This Year, and That Could Be a Problem

By Sarah Zhang

June 30 Will Be One Second Longer This Year, and That Could Be a Problem

Because Earth’s rotation is slowing ever so slightly, we occasionally need to add an extra second to re-sync our super-precise atomic clocks to our planet’s rotation. But you know who’s not on board with that? Those damn computers, whose operating systems just can’t handle it. The last time we added a leap second in 2012, it …

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June 30 Will Be One Second Longer This Year, and That Could Be a Problem

By Sarah Zhang

June 30 Will Be One Second Longer This Year, and That Could Be a Problem

Because Earth’s rotation is slowing ever so slightly, we occasionally need to add an extra second to re-sync our super-precise atomic clocks to our planet’s rotation. But you know who’s not on board with that? Those damn computers, whose operating systems just can’t handle it. The last time we added a leap second in 2012, it …

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LG’s Ludicrous 8K TV Is Too Insane For My Eyes To Handle

By Eric Limer

LG's Ludicrous 8K TV Is Too Insane For My Eyes To Handle

4K is for losers. The real mind-blowing screens at this CES are the giant 8K prototypes that will seriously blast your eyeballs. I just saw LG’s 98-inch 4K-times-two OLED screen, and yes, it was absolutely insane. I’m not sure exactly how insane though because my eyes just aren’t good enough.

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Holy Shit, This Is What Happens When a Fireworks Factory Explodes

By Ashley Feinberg

Early yesterday morning, a fireworks factory near Granada, Colombia apparently exploded, blowing up five separate warehouses used to store gunpowder. If you’ve ever needed a reason not to play with fireworks—this is it.

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