Monthly Archives: January 2015

3D TV Is Dead. Let’s Hope Smart TV Is Next.

By Darren Orf

3D TV Is Dead. Let's Hope Smart TV Is Next.

Two or three years ago at CES, this post probably would’ve been about some 3D TV equipped with dorky glasses, maybe a smart set that’s more like a rusty Swiss army knife for home entertainment. This year, things are different. 3D is now a specter of CES past. With any luck, smart TVs are next on the chopping block.

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3D TV Is Dead. Let’s Hope Smart TV Is Next.

By Darren Orf

3D TV Is Dead. Let's Hope Smart TV Is Next.

Two or three years ago at CES, this post probably would’ve been about some 3D TV equipped with dorky glasses, maybe a smart set that’s more like a rusty Swiss army knife for home entertainment. This year, things are different. 3D is now a specter of CES past. With any luck, smart TVs are next on the chopping block.

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New ISS-Based Sensor Will Stare at Passing Clouds With Its Laser Eyes

By Andrew Tarantola

New ISS-Based Sensor Will Stare at Passing Clouds With Its Laser Eyes

It may not leave a trail of destruction and pew-pews in its wake but NASA’s newest atmospheric sensor, the laser-beaming CATS module, could afford researchers a fuller understanding of how our reliance on nonrenewable energy fuels climate change.

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New ISS-Based Sensor Will Stare at Passing Clouds With Its Laser Eyes

By Andrew Tarantola

New ISS-Based Sensor Will Stare at Passing Clouds With Its Laser Eyes

It may not leave a trail of destruction and pew-pews in its wake but NASA’s newest atmospheric sensor, the laser-beaming CATS module, could afford researchers a fuller understanding of how our reliance on nonrenewable energy fuels climate change.

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