Probably inspired by the thousands of YouTube videos featuring daredevils failing in their stunts, the ad agency …
Monthly Archives: January 2015
You Can Now Buy a SIM-free Unlocked iPhone 6 or 6 Plus From Apple
Apple is now selling contract-free iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in its stores and online. The 16 GB base model iPhone 6 will costs you $650; the iPhone 6 Plus starts at $750.
Two of the Big Wireless Charging Organizations Are Merging
Changing the lightbulb on a 1500-foot tower is breathtakingly terrifying
By Casey Chan
My pores on the palms of my hands are shaking. My caps on my knees are sweating. I’m having trouble breathing. And it’s all because of this slightly terrifying video showing a tower climber climbing atop a 1500-foot TV tower to change the lightbulb like it’s a leisurely walk in the park.
The One I Love Is So Much Weirder Than You’d Expect
By Sarah Zhang
Ignore the creepy eyes of Mark Duplass and Elizabeth Moss staring at you from the poster, and The One I Love will seem, from its first few minutes, to be a typical talky movie about a squabbling couple. But no, oh no. It’s much weirder (and better) than that.
NASA to Send Messenger on a Final Trip So Close to Mercury It Could Melt
By Sarah Zhang
Over a decade ago, NASA shot Messenger into space, and in 2011, it became the first probe to orbit around Mercury, sending back our first …
FCC Launches Slick New Public Comment Site, 8 Months Too Late
Last year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) famously botched the record-breaking public comment period on net neutrality thanks to its crapy technology. Now, the agency …
FCC Launches Slick New Public Comment Site, 8 Months Too Late
Last year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) famously botched the record-breaking public comment period on net neutrality thanks to its crapy technology. Now, the agency …
FCC Launches Slick New Public Comment Site, 8 Months Too Late
Last year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) famously botched the record-breaking public comment period on net neutrality thanks to its crapy technology. Now, the agency …
Don’t Spread Those Bullshit Facebook Copyright Takedown Posts
By Kate Knibbs
This week, you may have noticed a surge in Facebook friends posting an alarmist message on their walls insisting that they won’t give Facebook permission to use and distribute the content they post. The message is either the same or very similar to …