Monthly Archives: January 2015

Dish Networks’ 2015 CES press conference: Join us Monday (live blog)

By Connie Guglielmo The satellite-TV service provider is expected to unveil a new Internet-delivered TV service as it refocuses attention on its network and away from its contract disputes with content providers.

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How Do Robots Learn to Cook? YouTube, Obviously.

By Ashley Feinberg

How Do Robots Learn to Cook? YouTube, Obviously.

Scientists have been toying around with something called “deep learning” (a massive, internet-based robot brain) for a while now. But a newly published paper details the latest advancement in the robotic processing system: Learning how to cook simply from watching YouTube videos. Robots—they’re just like us!

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How Do Robots Learn to Cook? YouTube, Obviously.

By Ashley Feinberg

How Do Robots Learn to Cook? YouTube, Obviously.

Scientists have been toying around with something called “deep learning” (a massive, internet-based robot brain) for a while now. But a newly published paper details the latest advancement in the robotic processing system: Learning how to cook simply from watching YouTube videos. Robots—they’re just like us!

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