Monthly Archives: January 2015

Seagate’s Seven Is the World’s Thinnest External Drive

By Andrew Liszewski

Seagate's Seven Is the World's Thinnest External Drive

USB flash drives have already broken the half-gig barrier, but if you’re looking for compact portable storage that’s a little cheaper, Seagate has squeezed its ultra-thin 500GB laptop drive into an equally svelte seven-millimeter thick housing that still makes room for a built-in USB port.

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This January Marks 50 Years Of Britain’s Best Band

By Chris Mills

There’s a lot of good, scientific, fact-based arguments you could use to persuade someone that The Who is Britain’s greatest gift to music. Or, you could sit them down with a beer and their 50-year-old original singles, and make your job a damn sight easier.

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It Looks Like Netflix Is Cracking Down On VPN ‘Pirating’ 

By Chris Mills

It Looks Like Netflix Is Cracking Down On VPN 'Pirating'

It’s one of the internet’s open secrets that if you don’t live in the US, but wish you did because of the better Netflix offerings, you can use any number of Chrome extensions or VPNs to get around the geo-blocker. However, it looks like the free ride might be coming to an end, as Netflix is starting to crack down on the practice.

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It Looks Like Netflix Is Cracking Down On VPN ‘Pirating’ 

By Chris Mills

It Looks Like Netflix Is Cracking Down On VPN 'Pirating'

It’s one of the internet’s open secrets that if you don’t live in the US, but wish you did because of the better Netflix offerings, you can use any number of Chrome extensions or VPNs to get around the geo-blocker. However, it looks like the free ride might be coming to an end, as Netflix is starting to crack down on the practice.

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