Monthly Archives: January 2015

Stunning image shows the fine line separating normality from disaster

By Jesus Diaz

Stunning image shows the fine line separating normality from disaster

Apparently some Austrians live in a permanent situation of impending disaster every time the heavy rain season comes, as shown in this video taken at Upper Austria Grein, where people’s houses are within meters of a flood protection wall that seems about to burst and destroy everything.

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Stunning image shows the fine line separating normality from disaster

By Jesus Diaz

Stunning image shows the fine line separating normality from disaster

Apparently some Austrians live in a permanent situation of impending disaster every time the heavy rain season comes, as shown in this video taken at Upper Austria Grein, where people’s houses are within meters of a flood protection wall that seems about to burst and destroy everything.

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Stunning image shows the fine line separating normality from disaster

By Jesus Diaz

Stunning image shows the fine line separating normality from disaster

Apparently some Austrians live in a permanent situation of impending disaster every time the heavy rain season comes, as shown in this video taken at Upper Austria Grein, where people’s houses are within meters of a flood protection wall that seems about to burst and destroy everything.

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Celebrate J.R.R. Tolkien’s twelvety-third birthday with a traditional toast

By Eric Mack Be sure to have a drink in your hand at 9 p.m. on January 3 if you want to properly honor the master of Middle-earth.

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After outage, Sony makes peace offering to users of PlayStation Network

By Donna Tam Sony is trying to make it up to gamers after an attack knocked the gaming network offline for several days over the holidays.

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Ö smart ring displays Elvish, notifications for high-tech Frodos

By Amanda Kooser The Aurduboy Ö smart ring could be coming soon to a finger near you with scrolling Elvish graphics, email alerts and timekeeping capabilities.

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World’s most patient man solves giant Rubik’s Cube in 7.5 hours

By Anthony Domanico The answer, of course, is too darn long. Watch this master of patience solve the 17x17x17 Rubik’s Cube in seven and a half grueling hours.

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